Most likely, the code is what is at fault since computers will only do what you tell them to do…except Windows machines NOT doing what you tell them to do even when it says it is already doing it. It’s funny, however, how people complain about a system not running their code well. As far as programming is concerned, I haven’t done much since the days of BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, etc.
Which way would you rather toss your money.
It’s kind of like using an LED light instead of an incandescent. Mac machines tend not to become obsolete for a couple of years, vice 3-6 months for Windows machines. Just look at the power you have in SuperUser….err, Single-User mode at the root# prompt. The reason hackers stay away from Mac OS is that you still must have local control to infiltrate it (mostly since the OS is still based largely on UNIX/LINUX). The DOS/Windows based computers just give you the feeling of more control by allowing you to mess with superfluous details. I’ve been using a Windows machine for many years, but I started on an Apple II, IIC, IIE, MAC, FatMAC, MAC 512, etc.